Tips for Writing Search Engine Optimized Web Copy
Tips for Writing Search Engine Optimized Web Copy
Search engines are crawling the web looking for the best content out there — content that answers the questions people are searching for. Are the search engines crawling your site? Does your website contain content that grabs the attention not only of your audience, but the search engines as well?
In addition to keywords laced throughout your website, use a blog to create a stream of fresh, new, engaging content that your audiences — the search engines and the information seekers — want to read. What types of blogs contain the best online content for search engine optimization and the most engaging content for your audience?
How to Format Your Blog Post
First things first: The headline.
Every title of every blog should essentially mimic the content people are searching for on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines.
Here are few examples of keywords found in headlines search engines (and your audience) love: “Top 10 …,” “How To …,” “Quick and Easy …,” “Beginners Guide to …” You fill in the blank — the more specific the better.
At Frozen Fire, we usually structure all our blog posts in one of these ways:
- The Foundation Post.
These are the core blog posts that all other posts on your site link back to. The foundation posts define key areas of your business and are rich in keywords. When developing your digital business development strategy and communication strategy, you want to be strategic and specific about your foundation blogs.
You may feel tempted to jump ahead and focus on what is trending right now, go ahead and do that, but do so while simultaneously writing the foundation content as well. Once all of your foundation posts are written, link back to them in future posts. - The Content for Engaging Post.
The purpose of the “Content for Engaging” posts is to engage search engines as well as people. Content for Engaging blog posts have an ongoing series of links back to the foundation blogs. These links boost your search engine optimization (SEO). These blogs can be written in a number of various ways, including (but not limited to):
- The How-To Blog.
The “how-to” blog offers a step-by-step tutorial on how to do something that your target audience wants to know more about. These are informative and educational blogs that build loyalty and credibility. The “how-to” blog should be easy to read, eye catching and packed full of supplemental content such as images, infographics, and video. This supplemental content is like icing on the “how-to” cake, and search engines eat it up. - The List Blog.
People love lists and search engines do to. People love making lists, reading lists, and checking off their lists. Get into the “list love” of your audience and create your content around a list. The list blog includes an easily recognizable title and quality content in an easy-to-read, organized format. - The Feature Blog.
The “feature” blog takes an in-depth look at a worthy topic. Feature posts include more research and commentary than other blogs. - The Interview Blog.
Want to develop relationships with industry experts? Interview them on a particular topic. Though not absolutely necessary, the interview blog is easily written in a Q&A format. - The Infographics Blog.
Infographics are highly shareable content that thoroughly and cleverly explains a particular topic. The infographic blog is ideal for presenting data and statistics in a visually engaging format. - The Research Article Post.
Want to position yourself or your company as an industry leader? Write a research post. These posts are detailed, highly researched white papers that provide a new angle on an issue that is backed up by extensive research.
Your online content is the critical factor that will either attract search engines — and therefore your potential customers — or not. Put yourself in your target audience’s shoes. What do they want to read about? What keywords might they search in Google to find the content they’re looking for? Determine the questions your customers and potential customers are asking and provide the content that provides them (and the search engines) with the best answer. If you build it, they will come.
Frozen Fire is a Dallas internet marketing and video production company that helps companies harness the most powerful aspect of modern marketing—the internet—to engage customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that ignite sales and business growth. Contact us to learn how we can help your business.