Get the Most Out of Twitter for Your Business
Get the Most Out of Twitter for Your Business
Keeping up with the constant changes and “improvements” on social media networks can be a full-time job. Earlier this year, Twitter made some significant changes to profile layout and design, taking on a look similar to Facebook — one that emphasizes photo and video content.
If your business is going to be successful on social media, keeping up with updates and changes is a must. Here are a few things you should know about getting the most out of twitter for your business.
Photo and Video Content is King
When you first look at a new Twitter profile, you may have to do a double take to be sure you’re not looking at Facebook. That’s because Twitter’s background image now takes up the full width of the page, much like the Facebook cover photo. The profile picture is also larger.
Even the photos and videos in your timeline now appear larger than an all text post.
Tip: To get the most out of the new Twitter profile look, be sure your background image is at least 1500 pixels wide so it appears crisp and clear.
Pin Important Posts to the Top
Twitter’s method of micro messaging means there is a constant, live flow of new content on Twitter at any given time. That can make it difficult to get messages in front of your audience. Again, much like Facebook, Twitter now allows users to highlight tweets to help keep important messages from getting lost in the noise.
Tip: Have something you don’t want your followers to miss? “Pin” it to the top of your timeline so anyone stopping by your profile page will see it.
Engagement Matters
Tweets with the most engagement in the way of replies, re-tweets, and favorites, are emphasized with larger font size in timelines, making that content easier to spot.
Tip: Encourage engagement with followers by creating useful, interesting content your followers will want to share.
Twitter can be a lead generation engine when businesses make the most of all Twitter has to offer. Despite these changes to the look of your Twitter profile, many of the same lead gen features still exist, including: promoted tweets and Twitter cards. Learn more about these tools in our blog for generating business leads on Twitter.
Frozen Fire is a Dallas internet marketing and video production company that helps companies harness the most powerful aspect of modern marketing—the internet—to engage customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that ignite sales and business growth. Contact us to learn how we can help your business.