How a Facebook Business Page Helps Your Business
How a Facebook Business Page Helps Your Business
Making sure your current customers stay up-to-date and informed, reaching potential new customers, and keeping up with the competition is a challenge for any brand marketing team. How do you maintain communication with existing customers while developing new relationships at the same time?
Your answer: social media. Social networking isn’t just a hobby for teens; it is a powerful marketing tool. The days of direct mail pieces are all but over; today, companies are leveraging social networks such as Twitter and Facebook to reach existing and potential customers.
Each network brings its own unique benefits to companies; let’s look specifically at Facebook.
Boost SEO.
Use Facebook as a means of driving traffic back to your website. When you include links to your site in updates on your company’s Facebook page, it increases your organic search rankings. In addition to boosting SEO with links, you can also create keyword rich content for your page description, which will then be indexed by search engines just like content on your website.
Sell Products and Services.
Social commerce is booming, and Facebook is driving online sales. A recent study by Vivaldi Partner Group found that social media influences 90 percent of all purchases. More and more, consumers are looking to Facebook to find information about products and services and to purchase those products and services. The projected revenue for the social commerce market in 2015 is $30 billion.
Build Personal Connections Between Your Customers and Your Brand.
Facebook provides an opportunity for you to make real, personal connections with your current and potential customers in a way unlike ever before. Direct mail and even email marketing is impersonal, but with Facebook, you can engage in real-time conversations with your audience.
Shape Future Messaging with Facebook’s Analytics.
Facebook Insights is a free analytics tool for managers of company pages. Insights will break down your page’s fans based on demographics, location and even what time of day the majority of your fans are on Facebook. These valuable analytics can be used to continuously revise and shape your messaging strategy to be most effective.
Earn Word-of-Mouth Referrals.
Every day, people are talking about the brands the love (and the ones they don’t!) on social media. Your Facebook page provides a platform for both your peers and your customers to offer their network of friends referrals and recommendations to your business.
In addition to these benefits, social media also provides people a place to vent about their frustrations and customer service issues with companies. Don’t shy away from Facebook simply because you’re afraid of the negative chatter. People will talk about your brand whether or not you have a corporate Facebook page. Use your page as a means to engage with those disgruntled customers and turn negative emotions into positive ones.
Do you need help developing and managing your brand’s social media strategy? Contact the Dallas social media experts at Frozen Fire.
Frozen Fire is a Dallas internet marketing and video production company that helps companies harness the most powerful aspect of modern marketing—the internet—to engage customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that ignite sales and business growth. Contact us to learn how we can help your business.