How to Write a Mission Statement
What is a Mission Statement? & What Should It Accomplish?
A mission statement is the reason you exist as an organization. It is your true purpose. It is what differentiates you from others in the industry. A mission statement is a defining statement for a company that serves to guide decisions, no matter how large or small.
As important as a mission statement is, many companies don’t have one. If they do have a mission statement, it is not published anywhere customers can read it, and sometimes employees aren’t even aware of the mission statement.
“I’m a firm believer that customers don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it,” says Greg Spindler, Frozen Fire’s chief strategy officer. “Take Apple for example. Why are people so passionate about Apple’s products? Because customers buy into why they do what they do, not just what they do.”
Creating your mission statement begins with two questions: What do you want to be known for? Why do you exist as a company and what is your purpose? The answer to these two questions should be the foundation for everything you do as a company. It should shape all messaging, decision-making and actions you take as an organization.
“A mission statement must be a clear, concise declaration
about your company.” -Forbes
“It is critical for a company to not only post the mission statement on their website, but all of the content and copy on the website should also be reflective of that mission statement,” says Spindler.
Do you want to know if your mission statement is a good mission statement? Put it to this test: Is your mission statement used every time a high level decision is made in the company? If the answer is “yes,” your mission statement is right on target. If the answer is “no,” revisit your mission statement and refine what it says.
Rent-A-Center is a prime example of a company with a mission statement that truly drives every decision made in the company. Rent-A-Center’s mission statement is: “to improve the lives of our employees and our customers.” The guiding question behind every decision made by the CEO of the company is this: “Will it improve the lives of my employees first and then my customers?” If the answer is no, he doesn’t do it. That core value trickles down through the entire organization.
Don’t have a mission statement? Need to rewrite your existing statement? Not sure how to write a mission statement?
Three Rules: How to Write a Mission Statement
- A mission statement should represent what the CEO of the company believes and what he/she wants the employees of the company to believe is the true purpose of the organization.
- A mission statement should be short and easy for employees to repeat. (Remember, it should become your employees’ mantra.)
- A mission statement should help customers understand how they are going to be treated by the company and what they can expect.
At the bottom line, your mission statement should be the battle cry for your employees and a clear description as to why prospective customers would want to work with you.
Frozen Fire is a Dallas internet marketing and video production company that helps companies harness the most powerful aspect of modern marketing—the internet—to engage customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that ignite sales and business growth. Contact us to learn how we can help your business.