As Thanksgiving 2013 approaches, businesses in Dallas have a lot to be thankful for. We work in a thriving metropolis, with an excellent pool of candidates for jobs and internships, and the prospects for our local economy are trending higher. But at Frozen Fire, our Thanksgiving list is much more specific. We are thankful for the people that make coming to work something to look forward to, our co-workers, clients, and prospects.
Individuality — Diverse Skill Sets
Video production, brand design, and developing an online presence require vastly different skill sets, but our company specializes in the crossroads between these services. Thanks to the cooperation of our in-house experts, we are able to pool together knowledge on photography, copywriting, business strategy, brand development, graphic design, animation and videography in a single meeting. We are thankful for the ability to “ask the expert at the next desk for assistance, advice, or to partner up on a project. Frozen Fire is thankful that we have employees that are interested in increasing their current skills, and developing new ones. Every member of the team brings something completely different to the table, and we hope to continue this trend in the future.
Teamwork — The “Small Company” Mentality
While Frozen Fire values individuality, we also know that our primary goal is to work together. There is a constant exchange of ideas, feedback, and assistance in our office and this team-oriented approach shows in the quality and timeliness of our projects. Because of our Teamwork, Frozen Fire is able to combine the constant communication of a small company with the project scope and ambition of a large company.
Company Loyalty — A Surprisingly Strong Support System
For us, company loyalty is a two way street. Management is devoted to the mental and physical well being of the Frozen Fire Team, and we repay that consideration with faith in our future with the company. The attitude of support carries through our everyday interactions, helping each other with projects, advice, and tasks. Most importantly, we are thankful that we can count on one another when sickness, family events, and personal obligations require us to ask for help from the team.
Forward Thinking — Here to Stay
Ultimately, Frozen Fire is thankful that we are here to stay. As we settle into our new office space, our team is enjoying our view from the high rise into a rapidly evolving future! We’ll keep counting our blessings as we continue to provide services and products our clients can be thankful for!
If your company is ready to thankful for your online presence, Frozen Fire can help. Contact us to get the process started.
Frozen Fire is a Dallas internet marketing and video production company that helps companies harness the most powerful aspect of modern marketing—the internet—to engage customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that ignite sales and business growth. Contact us to learn how we can help your business.