Tips for Creating SEO Friendly Websites
Your company’s website should accomplish a few things. It should provide useful and necessary information about your business to your audience. It should engage your audience. But most importantly, it must be SEO friendly. After all, if the search engines can’t find you, how will your audience find you?
How high your site ranks in search engines like Google and Bing will directly impact the amount of traffic you get to your website. The traffic you get on your website likely has a direct impact on your business’ profitability. Want to be profitable? Be sure your website is search engine friendly.
Know Your Industry’s Top Keywords
This is content marketing and web development 101. What keywords and phrases will your potential audience use to find you? Once you determine your top keywords, use those words on the relevant pages on your website.
Create a Blog
Google frowns upon stagnant websites. A regularly updated blog is the best way to keep your site fresh with new content.
In line with your overall content marketing strategy, develop weekly blog articles on content that is useful, interesting and engaging. And be sure you use those keywords! Better yet, build your entire website in a content management system such as WordPress, and you’ll be able to easily update any page of your website, not only your blog!
Simplify Navigation
It should take no more than one click to access every page of your website from any page of your site. Search engines are looking for the website that provides the content the user is looking for in the easiest, most efficient way. And for the human searching for your site, if they can’t find what they are looking for in less than 20 seconds, you’ve lost them.
If your website has a lot of content, you need a sophisticated web developer to map out the navigation.
Develop a Responsive Website
Because Google places an extreme importance on providing content people are looking for, they give responsive websites a higher priority. A mobile-responsive website is no longer a “nice to have” amenity, it’s a necessity. The majority (63 percent, according to Pew Research) of adult mobile phone owners use their phones to go online and 34 percent of mobile Internet users only access the web from their mobile device — they do not use a desktop or laptop computer to access the web.
Your website should be coded so that it responds to whatever device users are on, whether a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.
Build Your Back Links
Think of every back link to your website as a vote for your page. The more votes you get, the higher you rank in the search engines. There are plenty of ways to build your back links. Utilizing social media is an excellent strategy to not only boost your audience, but to also increase the numbers of back links to your page.
You should also work to build relationships with trusted sources in your industry — people and companies who may be willing to link to your site from their own. Generating regular press releases is another proven strategy for increasing links and boosting traffic to your site.
How SEO-friendly is your website? Could you use a hand improving your brand’s website? Our experienced digital business development team is skilled in creating content marketing strategies (including web development) to help your business land in the top spots on Google.
Frozen Fire is a Dallas internet marketing and video production company that helps companies harness the most powerful aspect of modern marketing—the internet—to engage customers in memorable and meaningful ways. Ways that ignite sales and business growth. Contact us to learn how we can help your business.